Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 18 - The Sea of Galilee

I've had internet trouble the last few days so I haven't posted anything, but here is what I've typed up. I'm not going to upload any pictures yet, I want to get this stuff posted while my signal is still good.

Well, today’s is a little bit late, sorry. As some of you might now from me telling you about our last trip, when we visit a theater (ancient theater), some of the people on the trip perform, singing, a play, reading poetry, things like that. Well last night at dinner (it’s morning here now) someone mentioned that they wanted to do the opening song from Beauty and the Beast, but only if I would sing the Gaston part. Not completely in my right mind, I replied, “absolutely, let’s do it.” So I spent most of the time that I would have written or posted last night practicing. I am wondering a little bit what I was thinking when I agreed to sing, by myself, in front of people.

Sickness is still going around some, we had more people throw up a few night nights ago and yesterday three or four people stayed home. Which is too bad because yesterday was a really cool day. We spent all of our time around the Sea of Galilee, in places that Jesus visited or in places where people think that he visited.

A quick itinerary for yesterday is: The sowers cove (where Jesus may have given the parable of the sower), Capernaum (where Jesus lived during his ministry years), the Mt. of Beatitudes (the traditional site of the sermon on the mount), Tiberius, the Jesus boat (a boat that was found that is from the time of Jesus. It is a fishing boat from the first century AD and the same size boat that Jesus and his disciples would have used. Chances are it wasn’t their boat though.), a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee (not on the Jesus boat), a place that is probably not Bethsaida, and a place where the pigs didn’t run down the mountainside and into the sea when Jesus sent demons into them.

After that we had a fish dinner (I had cheese pizza) at a restaurant down by the sea. In between our getting back to our place and dinner, I took a quick swim in the Sea of Galilee, I didn’t stay up top when I tried to walk, I sunk right down, but it was really cool. I’ll mention that later.
After dinner we had a worship service down on the beach by the water and then it was Beauty and the Beast rehearsal time for a few hours.
That’s all I have time for today, I’ll try to come back and fill out a little of what we did in some of the places later (the sower’s cove, Mt. of Beatitudes, Capernaum and swimming) as well as add a few pictures. Only two days left in Israel then I’m off to Jordan for a few days to see dad.

As always, thanks for reading.

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