Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day Ten - Sinai

Started this last night, almost fell asleep, now I’m having some trouble with blogger this morning and it is almost time for me to go, so this may be really, really short.

Sinai today. Egypt is still a country that drives me crazy. As soon as we crossed the border I could feel the difference between being in Israel and Egypt. I’m exhausted so this will be very short.

Long drive to Sinai, the bus had some weird heat that is came up from the floor so the drive to and from was very uncomfortable.

We had guides up the mountain, they weren’t in very good shape and after about an hour, where we had been resting as much as we had been walking we just asked our guide if we could go on ahead and we did, leaving him behind. There are two paths up to the top, the camel path and the path of repentance…

And on that note I have to leave. We’re staying out near Massada tonight so no internet, but I’ll post the rest of this in two days when we’re up near Jerusalem (as well as some pictures).

1 comment:

Brian said...

Sounds like an amazing trip so far... but what about the FOOD! You haven't mentioned anything about the food... how are the bagels? :)